I teach the MMA intro class in our gym and experienced something a litte amazing in a class before the vacation. One of the technics I showed was the triangle and out of 38 students, of which 6 was there for the first time, ALL of them made a triangle in their first attempt. I've been teaching triangles for some time and now I'm aware of a lot of details, which I earlier just did with out thinking of it, but are very important when people are taught triangles. I therefore made a little video with it.
onsdag den 21. juli 2010
Jeg underviser klubbens intro hold i MMA og oplevede noget lidt vildt til en af mine undervisninger inden ferien. En af de teknikker jeg viste var en triangle og ud af 38 elever, hvor af 6 stykker var der for første gang, lavede ALLE en rigtig triangle i første forsøg. Nu har jeg jo undervist triangles i noget tid og er blevet opmærksom på en del detaljer, som jeg tidligere gjorde unden at tænke over det, men som er meget vigtige at vide når man skal lære at lave dem, så derfor lavede jeg lidt video på det.
I teach the MMA intro class in our gym and experienced something a litte amazing in a class before the vacation. One of the technics I showed was the triangle and out of 38 students, of which 6 was there for the first time, ALL of them made a triangle in their first attempt. I've been teaching triangles for some time and now I'm aware of a lot of details, which I earlier just did with out thinking of it, but are very important when people are taught triangles. I therefore made a little video with it.
I teach the MMA intro class in our gym and experienced something a litte amazing in a class before the vacation. One of the technics I showed was the triangle and out of 38 students, of which 6 was there for the first time, ALL of them made a triangle in their first attempt. I've been teaching triangles for some time and now I'm aware of a lot of details, which I earlier just did with out thinking of it, but are very important when people are taught triangles. I therefore made a little video with it.
tirsdag den 13. juli 2010
Ferie / Vacation
Så er 2 ugers ferie i syd Spanien næsten slut og så er det tilbage til hård træning igen.
Jeg har dog ikke ligget stille selvom det har været ferie. Om formiddagen er temperaturen stadig under 30 °C og der er det blevet til et par løbeture med indlagte intervalsprinter. I poolen har jeg fået svømmet en del (hvilket har været godt for min skulder der føles tæt på 100% nu), plus at jeg har fået vedligeholdt koordinationstræningen ved at at lave en masse spring med saltomortaler o.lig.
Skyggeboksning er noget som heller ikke kræver plads og redskaber, så selvfølgelig har jeg også fået kørt nogle runder af det :-) ... har fundet ud af jeg skal hjem og arbejde på mit kryds.
Jeg vil nyde de sidste 2 dages ferie og ønske god ferie til alle jer andre.
2 weeks of vacation in southern Spain is almost at the end and it's back to hard training.
Even though is's been vacation I haven't been lazy. In the morning the temperature is still below 85 °F and I've been out running a couple of times with interverval sprints included. I've been swimming in the pool (which have done well for my shoulder and it now feels close to 100%). I've also maintained coordination training by making lots and lots of different jumps with flips etc.
Another thing that doesn't require space and equipment is shadow boxing, so of course I've been doing some rounds :-) ... Also found out that I need to work on my cross when I get home.
I'll enjoy the last 2 days of vacation and wish you all a good vacation.
Jeg har dog ikke ligget stille selvom det har været ferie. Om formiddagen er temperaturen stadig under 30 °C og der er det blevet til et par løbeture med indlagte intervalsprinter. I poolen har jeg fået svømmet en del (hvilket har været godt for min skulder der føles tæt på 100% nu), plus at jeg har fået vedligeholdt koordinationstræningen ved at at lave en masse spring med saltomortaler o.lig.
Skyggeboksning er noget som heller ikke kræver plads og redskaber, så selvfølgelig har jeg også fået kørt nogle runder af det :-) ... har fundet ud af jeg skal hjem og arbejde på mit kryds.
Jeg vil nyde de sidste 2 dages ferie og ønske god ferie til alle jer andre.
2 weeks of vacation in southern Spain is almost at the end and it's back to hard training.
Even though is's been vacation I haven't been lazy. In the morning the temperature is still below 85 °F and I've been out running a couple of times with interverval sprints included. I've been swimming in the pool (which have done well for my shoulder and it now feels close to 100%). I've also maintained coordination training by making lots and lots of different jumps with flips etc.
Another thing that doesn't require space and equipment is shadow boxing, so of course I've been doing some rounds :-) ... Also found out that I need to work on my cross when I get home.
I'll enjoy the last 2 days of vacation and wish you all a good vacation.
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