Grunden til at tage en boksekampe er bare at få tid i ringen. Jeg får så her fokuseret på mit stående game både i kampen, men også i træningen op til, hvor det har været en del sparring og kombinationstræning på pads.
Det bliver den første gang jeg skal konkurrere efter skaden og så må jeg se om jeg har fået trænet "rusten" væk. Det bliver i hvert fald et meget godt pejlemærke for hvornår jeg skal kæmpe MMA igen.

On June 27th I'm stepping in the ring for my first boxing match. I was supposed to have it already before christmas, but it got cancelled, so it is 6 month "boixng hunger" there is released on the 27 th.
The reason for taking a boxing match is getting ring time. I get to focus on my stand up game both in the fight and the training for the fight, which has been a lot of sparring and combos on pads.
This will be the first time competing after the injury and I'll find out if all the "rust" has been shaken of during training. No matter what it will be a good indicator for when I'll be fighting MMA again.