Der er dog stadig langt til at kunne konkurrere, men jeg tager alligevel over til Grappling Liga i morgen og kigger på. Jeg har været lidt depri omkring mine holdkammerater fordi jeg ikke har kunne være med til træning og kæder det sammen med at være i nærheden af dem, så derfor har jeg heller ikke haft særlig meget lyst til at tage med ud til turneringer. Efter "træningen" i dag har jeg fået løftet humøret, så det skal nok blive en god tur i morgen.
Det eneste gode der er sket, er at jeg har fundet nogle småfejl i mit benarbejde og øvelser til at rette dem, så jeg prøvet at se om ikke jeg kan få lavet lidt video i næste uge, så I andre også kan få glæde af det.
The last two weeks hasn't been fun at all. The muscles in the shoulder have been hurting when ever I made a too big or too sudden move, so training have been on an absolute minimum. After 3 visits at the physiotherapist gladly something is happening. Until now I've only been able to do footwork, but today I could box a little on the heavybag with my good arm (before it hurt my shoulder just to keep the balance/composure eventhough I was punching with my good arm).
Competing is still far away, but I'll go to the Grappling Liga tomorrow to watch. I've been a little depressed being around my teammates because I can't train, and associate it with being around them, so I haven't felt like going to turnaments. After todays "training" I'm in a better mood, so i'm hoping it will been a fun trip tomorrow.
The only positive thing is that I've found a couple of small faults in my footwork and some drills to correct them. I'll try to make some video next week so I can share it with you.
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