tirsdag den 3. februar 2009

Video fra FG Fight Night / Video from FG Fight Night

Så fik jeg lagt videoen fra FG Fight Night op

Game planen var relativt simpel - at lægge pres på lige meget hvor kampen gik hen. Dette holdt jeg rimelig godt. Boksede så længe jeg havde afstanden og tog ham ned da afstanden var til det. På gulvet var han rimelig god til at trække og holde sin guard, men min GnP fra guard fungerede ok og jeg fik leveret nogle gode slag. I 2. omgang havde han et guillotine forsøg, som var godt, men fik heldigvis en hånd ind, så han ikke fik den. Resten af kampen føler jeg, jeg havde god kontrol med han og vandt også på dommerstemmer. Min højre tommelfinger brækkede i løbet af kampen hvilket hæmmede mig i 2. omgang hvor jeg ikke kunne bruge højre hånd så godt, hvilket også var årsagen til jeg søgte at tage den på gulvet frem for at bokse kun med venstre.

Jeg er tilfreds med min indsats, men som altid er der masser af ting der skal trænes på op til næste kamp.

I have uploaded the video from FG Fight Night

The Game plan was fairly simple - to keep the pressure no matter where the fight went. I stuck to the plan pretty well. I was boxing as long as I had the distance and took him down when the distance was closed. On the ground he was pretty good at pulling and keeping his guard, but my GnP from guard worked ok and I succeeded in landing some good punches. In the 2nd round he had an attempted guillotine which was good, but luckily I got a hand in and avoided the attack. Beside the guillotine attempt I feel I controlled him well and I also won on decision. My right thumb broke during the fight which handicapped me through the 2nd round. This was also the reason why I was looking to take the fight to the ground instead of boxing only with my left hand.

I am satisfied with my performance but as always there is lots of things I need to work on for the next fight.

1. runde / round 1

2. runde / round 2

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